
Sunday May 12, 2019
The Reality Check –Chiropractic and your Brain with Dr Heidi Haavik
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
In this episode we talk with Dr Heidi Haavik about what her research indicates Chiropractic has as an effect on the brain.
Dr Heidi Haavik is a chiropractor and a neurophysiologist who has worked in the area of human neuropsychology for over 15 years. Heidi has a PhD in human neurophysiology from the University of Auckland. She was named Chiropractor of the year in 2007 by both the New Zealand Chiropractic Association and the New Zealand College of Chiropractic Alumni Association.
As a researcher, she has investigated the effects of chiropractic adjustments of dysfunctional spinal segments (vertebral subluxations) on somatosensory processing, sensorimotor integration and motor cortical output.
Find out more about Dr Heidi Haavik at
https://therealitycheck.com and her book at https://www.heidihaavik.com
Heidi's research points in the same direction as countless cases that we as Chiropractors know from our clinics. Her research gives a plausible explanation for al the countless benefits those that receive Chiropractic care. Chiropractic changes how the brain works to the better.
Through the support of EEG measurements via NeuroInfiniti many Chiropractic clinics such as ours shows that chiropractic has a beneficial effect on brain function and supports shifting from stress physiology to healing physiology and brain balance.
Learn more about the effect of chiropractic on the brain in the article below with the associated animation from the Reality Check by Heidi Haavik.

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Det du behöver för att varva ner effektivt!
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Vi lever i en vardag där stressen aldrig har varit högre och vi behöver varva ned mer effektivt än någonsin tidigare, för kroppens skall kunna behålla hälsan eller återta den.
BrainTap består av olika stresshanteringsprogram, som med hjälp av ljud och ljus skapar balans i vår hjärna/ nervsystemet. Det är en mycket beprövad och säker behandlings- och stimuleringsmetod.
BrainTapträning passar alla var som helst, när som helst, vem som helst; gammal som ung, på arbetsplatsen, resan, träningen eller hemma. Det finns program för varje livssituation.
Click this link for a link to a free 7-day trial of the BrainTap app.
Få gratis Dr Porters ebok "Thrive in overdrive" via denna länk
Vill du köpa hela utrustningen för att få full effekt så kontakta oss på Welledge i Gamla stan. Vi kan hänvisa dig till de klinker i Sverige som använder denna teknologi.
Kornhamnstorg 6
Phone: +46 (0)8 796 96 88
email: info@welledge.se
webb: welledge.se
In this podcast Dr Martin Fransson talks with Dr Porter the founder of BrainTap and we explore the effects of light, sound and guided verbalisations to change our brain.
You will learn some of the research behind this Technology and how it can be assist you in achiving your targets in Health as well as increased succes in your wished life arena.
Patrick K Porter PhD is an award-winning author, consultant, successful entrepreneur, and sought-after speaker. He has been on the cutting edge of brain wave entrainment technology for 28 years.
His newest brain-training device, the BrainTap™ is designed to balance brain wave activity while activating the brain’s neuroplasticity. More than 1000 health clinics worldwide use Braintap to address the stress component of health and wellness.
Dr. Porter’s successes were featured in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, People, Entrepreneur and INC magazines, as well as ABC, NBC, CBS and the Discovery Channel.

Monday Jul 17, 2017
Brain Balance HjärnBalans
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Lyssna och lär dig om Funktionell Hjärn(O)Balans som en modell för att förstå hur vi fungerar på alla plan från hälsa till relationer med Dr Robert Melillo.
Dr Melillo is one of the most respected specialists in childhood neurological disorders in America, Dr. Robert Melillo has been helping children overcome learning disabilities for over 20 years. His areas of expertise include: autism spectrum disorders, PDD/NOS, ADD/ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, Tourette’s, bipolar disorder, and other mental, attention, behavioral and learning disorders. He is also and expert in diet, nutrition and neuroimmune disorders in children and adults.
Här är några av de klinker som arbetar utifrån konceptet kring funktionell neurologi för att bidra till funktionell HjärnBalans:
Nacka Värmdö Kiropraktik
Liljeholmens Kiropraktorklinik
David Ermeskog
Mia Jernman

Sunday Jul 16, 2017
Introduction to Bio Geometric Integration and Dr Amy Burke
Sunday Jul 16, 2017
Sunday Jul 16, 2017
This is the first interview with Dr Amy Burke as an introduction to Chiropractic from a BGI perspecitve and the upcoming seminars for Chiropractos in Stockholm at Welledge with Amy.
If you are interested in learning more visit BGI EU 1 and BGI EU 2 for the dates and locations of upcoming 2017 seminars in Europe.
Amy Burke, D.C. is a seasoned health professional. She is a chiropractor with over 18 years experience in clinical practice and has taught Bio Geometric Integration to chiropractors and students in the United States and Europe since 2000. An honors graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, she graduated with Doctor of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West. Before becoming a chiropractor she worked as a massage therapist for ten years. Her practice has shifted from working predominantly with pregnant women and infants to include a large base of seniors. Her clients have benefited greatly from the gentle care she provides based on the principles of Bio Geometric Integration. She currently resides, practices and organizes and facilitates healing retreats on the island of Pantelleria, Italy.
** Note to listeners, in his introduction, Martin Fransson describes Amy Burke as a Master of BGI. After studying and practicing BGI for over 15 years, Amy is a master, however she has not done the BGI Master's Course. The use of the language is meant in no way to misrepresent Amy's accomplishments nor minimize the importance of the work that those who have completed the BGI Master's program.

Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tap into your Brains potential
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
In this podcast Dr Martin Fransson talks with Dr Porter the founder of BrainTap and we explore the effects of light, sound and guided verbalisations to change our brain.
You will learn some of the research behind this Technology and how it can be assist you in achiving your targets in Health as well as increased succes in your wished life arena.
Patrick K Porter PhD is an award-winning author, consultant, successful entrepreneur, and sought-after speaker. He has been on the cutting edge of brain wave entrainment technology for 28 years.
His newest brain-training device, the BrainTap™ is designed to balance brain wave activity while activating the brain’s neuroplasticity. More than 1000 health clinics worldwide use Braintap to address the stress component of health and wellness.
Dr. Porter’s successes were featured in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, People, Entrepreneur and INC magazines, as well as ABC, NBC, CBS and the Discovery Channel.
Click below picture for link to a free 7-day trial.
For a free 30-day trial period please email us at info@welledge.se or if you like to buy the whole equipment with the appropriate programs for your needs.
To test the full BrainTap equipment please schedule an appointment at one of the below Clinics:
Kornhamnstorg 6
Old Town in Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)8 796 96 88
email: info@welledge.se
webb: welledge.se
Eureka i Dalarna
Sveagatan 15, 3tr
784 33 Borlänge
Hökargatan 2
776 30 Hedemora
Phone: 0243-23 30 60
email: info@eurekadalarna.se

Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Bli resligare i sommar
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015

Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Rörelse är en underskattad medicin
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Martin har dokumenterat sin erfarenhet, kunskap och kompetens både med djup och bredd inom ett ämne som berör alla. Jag kan varmt rekommendera detta levande material som är så sinnrikt sammansatt till lärobok och inspirationskälla för att ge dig ytterligare möjligheter till ett hälsosammare liv. –Susanne Wolmesjö, vd, föreläsare och utbildare för Education in Motion AB samt lärare på Bosöns Idrottsfolkhögskola.

Monday Jun 22, 2015
En kort intro till Kommunikologi
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Martin Fransson samtalar med Johan Stenbäck, Utbildad Kommunikolog, Idrottslärare och Samtalsterapeut. Verksam som hälsofrämjare, föreläsare och kursledare på Unionen
Jag har varit verksam inom hälsofrämjande verksamheter i över 20 år på både individ, grupp och organisationsnivå och har ständigt strävat efter att hålla mig uppdaterad om vad som bidrar till hälsa och effektivitet, Martin visar med sin bok inte ett enkelt recept som alla ska följa utan vilka ingredienser som behövs för att verkligen bidra till en enastående hälsa och effektivitet. Det är upp till läsaren att själv undersöka vilket recept som ska till med hjälp av ingredienserna från denna bok. Jag vill varmt rekommendera denna bok till alla som vill ta sin kunskap och hälsa till nästa nivå!
–Johan Stenbäck, Utbildad Kommunikolog, Idrottslärare och Samtalsterapeut. Verksam som hälsofrämjare, föreläsare och kursledare på Unionen

Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Känner du dig Energirik eller energifattig? Lär dig få mer energi i ditt liv
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Martin Fransson och Loas Ahlborg samtalar om hur vi ökar vår energi för att leva de liv vi önskar.

Friday Mar 13, 2015
Hur att leda dig själv och andra i en föränderlig tid
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Martin Fransson samtalar om ledarskap med Anna Eliasson Lundquist, grundare av Kvinnokompetensen, som driver ledarskapsprogram sen över 30 år för kvinnor såväl som män. Hennes ledord är Blandat är Bäst.